Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Where you live.

I was dwelling.

                Isn't that one of those sayings that indicates you're building where you shouldn't be?
 Dwelling in the past...
                        the future.

Eyes open but not seeing.

With my Bible in my lap,

                my dog pokes me with her snout to snap me out of it,

                                        with a pull toy in her mouth,
                                                wagging her entire rear end.

 I learn so much from my dog, maybe because G-D knows I'll pay attention to them.

Here is a scripture for your contemplation-

                        When Peter saw him and asked " Lord what about him?".

 Jesus answered,"If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me"

                                John 21vs 21-22.

      Think about your dwelling,

                                and leave it for Another.

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